Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pokémon: Gotta Catch All The Info

For my infographic, I decided to do Pokémon, as it is a series that is very near and dear to my heart. One of the pieces of data I collected was sales info of the main series games. This is fairly obvious as it shows how the series is doing. I left out spin-offs and "improved" (third versions of titles) as spin-offs not being representative of the main series and improved versions having misleadingly lower numbers due to people already having the first versions. Second was typing of Pokémon, because Type is a major factor in all aspects of the games and I thought it would be interesting to see the relative frequency of each one. Water and Normal ended up being surprisingly common compared to most of the types. Going deeper into type, my next chart was on the relative frequency of the top 4 types based on regions. Lastly I did usage, as there is always the lingering question of what the most popular Pokémon is. Based on usage statistics, it turns out that (at least competitively) Politoed is incredibly popular! Pokémon is awesome to research about because (no pun intended) it is an ever-evolving series. 

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